Disclaimer: Please disregard typographic error,
I am using a battery operated wireless keyboard. Just let me know if you spot any grammar incorrectly spelling word, and I
will be delighted to update the spot. thank you for you cooperation.
This website has not been updated since Nov 2010. I apologize for the number of people who logged in and manage to call
me for questions. I will try in the near future to attend and update information on immigration matters as they unfold. Again
I apologize. but be sure to contact me via email at gabrieldo@msn.com
At yahoo, you will be able to get a reply within 48hours for sure. or If urgent, you can call me via
VOIP at (904) 672-8241.
Because it's a VOIP, I will be able to answer your call from any location around the world. Also you can sype me at :
wise206b (US)
This page is updated on 01/02/2012
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Saturday March 8, 2025 1:48PM
Remember to vote : This November National elections
Because, because, because, we must elect a president as the coomander-in-chief
to lead us to the second decade of the 21st cetury. Remeber, voting is our right as citizens of a free democratic nation,
our right to choose who'se idea is likely to make america a better place for our children nd grand-children. Depends
wo we choose, we miht wakeup in the near uture and find ourselves with a fence in our southern border. We must be careful
between rhetoric and preserving our civil lierties and our democratic ideas. Who will govern us with our consent !!!!!!!!!!
or simply who will represent our concerns in a National government? the answer is all yours this first Tuesday of upcoming
November 2012
To register in Florida you must:
- Be a United States citizen
- Be a Florida resident
- Be 18 years of age or older on Election Day (you may pre-register
if you are 16)
- Not currently be legally considered mentally incapacitated with
respect to voting in Florida or any other state
- Not claim the right to vote in another county or state
- Swear or affirm the following: “I will protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Florida, and I am qualified to register as an elector
under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a legal resident
of Florida.”
If you’ve been convicted of a felony, voting eligibility laws vary by state. Find out whether you’re
eligible to vote in Florida.
If you can’t make it the polls on Election Day or you would
prefer to vote before Election Day, you can vote early either in person or by mail, and no excuse is required. In-person early
voting for the primary election begins on August 9th and runs through August 22nd. In-person voting for the general election
begins on October 18th and runs through October 31st. You can also vote early by mail using an absentee ballot. Request your
ballot by 5:00 p.m. on the 6th day before an election. Your ballot must be received by the Supervisor of Elections before
7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
If you Live in florida, This what
Florida's elections Law say:
Florida says that you need to bring ONE (1) of the following forms of identification: * Florida driver’s license, or *
Florida identification card, or * U.S. passport, or * Debit or credit card, or * Military identification, or * Student identification,
or * Retirement center identification, or * Neighborhood association identification, or * Public assistance identification
If your photo identification does not contain your signature, you will be required to show an additional identification that
provides a signature.
Radio American Immigration via: real Player, Itunes, Quick time, flashplayer
Click here for Radio American Immigration: via windows Player only
Streaming Internet Radio: Immigration update for immigrants, News, and social topics. Click here if you have Itunes, Real
Player and Window Media Player. (on construction not ready yet)
New: 08/12/08
General Information about Green Cards through Investment.
Disclaimer: this is not a legal advice, simply sharing opinion. it is free. If you read this
article and find it useful to yourself or someone you know, please consult with immigration attorney or with the U.S.C.I.S.
for more. you may also email us.
If you want to live in the United States of America and you are not eligible under the family sponsored classification,
one of the considerations available to you to receive the right to live permanently is to invest in America. Not just to open
a saving account or buy stocks and bond. There is a meaning to the word "Investment". In the context of U.S. immigration there
are visas available to Investors who find themselves eligible and are willing to comply with the provision of U.S. Immigration
laws. The immigrant investor visa is what you need. It's a program designed by Congress for foreign nationals. Any citizen
of almost any country who invest or who is willing to do so in a new business as a commercial enterprise to provide goods
or services in the United States. This visa is essentially an "immigrant visa" meaning you are coming in that capacity to
work and in the same token creating jobs for others already in the U.S.. In this program, the eligible and admissible foreign
investor and his or her spouse and children (single) will receive a green card giving them permanent residence in the United
USCIS in their publications disclose that U.S. Immigration laws have provision for them and U.s. consulates abroad to issue
every fiscal year up to 10,000 Green Cards to qualified investors. Some of those 10,000 visas are simply for a regional pilot
program. Keep in mind the word "Regional". The Standard program requires a minimum investment of one million U.S. dollars
worth. The pilot program requires a $500,000 investment. Of course if you open a business you are going to need employee.
Be aware that a provision of such program requires to create at least Ten fulltime jobs in the U.S.. (continued
to the page: What you need to know...)
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Click the play button below for a beautiful song.
by Leon Dimanche:
"Je voudrais ne pas te laisser, Oh mon pays.....
Disclosure: We are a non-lawyer Immigration Forms Completion Service. We do not represent
any Applicant/petitioner to no Court, USCIS, ICE or any other Government Agency. We only Assist you in completing your forms
with the information provided by you and/or the documents you submitted to support your claims for the immigration benefits
or any other benefit you are seeking for you or your alien relative. You may need to consult an Attorney before you proceed
with filing your application.
October 2007
the info below is still valid.
Published on May 24, 2005
Talk to an Immigration Officer The USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services) offers a convenient service for immigrants who have a complex immigration case and wish to speak to an immigration
officer. The system is called "InfoPass."
In order to access InfoPass and make an appointment with an officer, go online and access the Appointment Scheduler page and select your language. For more information on InfoPass, read the InfoPass fact sheet. However if you overstay your visa, you are out of status, an Immigration officer may ask you to leave the country immediately
or issue a referral for your removal.

Qui sont les Haitiens?
Les Haitiens d'aujourd'hui, comme d'ailleurs tous les Afro-Caraibeens & les Afro-Americains.
Ils sont, tous, les "off-springs" d'un melange ethnic a predominance Africaine . Ainsi, l'histoire nous enseigne
que la grande exploration transatlantique commissionee par les souverains catholiques de l'Espagne en 1492, pour un raccourci
vers l'Inde, aboutit sur les plages des arcores et un peu plus tard a Cuba et a Haiti. Les explorateurs, sous la conduite
de Christophe Colomb et les freres Pinson, arriverent avec la croix du Christ et la bible en main pour seduire les habitants
de l'ile et initialiserent l'esclavage en quete de l'or et des metaux precieux. Le peuple indigene, les arawaks, les
caicos, les Tainos, se decimerent a un rythme accelerative de labeurs forces des mines en moins de dix ans.
Cette genocide inspira le Reverend pere Las Casas, un jeune representant de l'eglise catholique Romaine de l'epoque
a recommender au Gouverneur Espagnol, Nicolas Ovando, l'importation des negres saisis sur les cotes orientales
Africaines. Etant plus resistants au durs labeurs, ils ont ete repartis dans les colonies, notamment a Hispaniola, Cuba, les
Bahamas, les Antilles en general et la Floride. Il a fallu quelques annees a ces negres plantes dans l'ile de Haiti pour s'adapter
au regime esclavagiste du XVI siecle, faire fleurir cette colonie, devenue francaise en 1625, comme etant la Perle des
antilles. Le reflet de l'independance Americaine, a la lueur de la declaration de 1776, suivie de la revolution
francaise de 1789, ils se sont conscientises suffisamment pour questioner leur destin. L'ile avec une population de 500,000
esclaves, 40,000 Colons et 40,000 afranchis voulait se separer de la metropole Francaise. Malgre les succes de l'insurrection
de 1792, les indigenes utiliserent encore le tricolore Francais contre les ennemis de la France qui voulurent s'accaparer
de " la Perle des Antilles". Emergeant des troupes coloniales, Pierre Dominique Toussaint, dit: L'ouverture,
promulga la premiere constitution en 1801. Ce qui provoqua en France le soupcon d'independance pour Saint-Domingue et l'echec
de la commision civile de Sonthonax, a savoir restaurer la loyaute de St-Domingue a la France. Le Directoire du Gouvernement
du 18 Brumaire, obtint de Napoleon l'envoi d'une force expeditionaire pour contenir l'autorite du General Noir, Toussaint
L'ouverture qui abolit l'esclavage par la constitution de 1801. Une fois arrivee a Saint-domingue, Le General Leclerc,
beau-frere de Bonaparte, entreprit la destabilisation de Toussaint et finit par le destituer et le deporta en Juin 1802. Les
autres Generaux indigenes prirent le maquis. Toussaint fut enferme au Fort-de-Joux, en France ou il mourut le 7 Avril 1803.
La nouvelle de la mort de Toussaint parvint rapidement a St-Domingue. Pour une comprehension visuelle de la vie au Fort-de-Joux,
il faudrait voir l'adaptacion au cinema du livre de Victor Hugo, "Les Miserables du XXeme siecle" adapte a l'ecran en
mini series et joue par Jean-Paul Belmondo. Realisant que la France veut retablir l'esclavage, les generaux indigenes
sous l'inspiration de Dessalines organiserent le congres clandestin de l'Arcahaie duquel emergea La creation d'un drapeau
different de celui des Francais. Une baniere haitienne s'avere necessaire et prend sa source dans ce congres de l'Arcahaie,
symbolisant l'union des noirs et des mulatres pour l'independance politique, economique et cociale de habitants de l'Ile,
creant la seconde nation des Ameriques en moins de quinze ans, et la premiere Nation negre suivant les normes europennes de
l'epoque. L'unite de commandement etant etablie et assuree, d'apres le recit du Dr. Jean-Claude Dorsainville, il importa de
pousser la guerre contre les troupes expeditionnaires Francaises. Pour y reussir, Alexandre Petion, un mulatre, et Jean-Jacques
Dessalines, un Lieutenant noir de Toussaint Louverture, dechu, reunirent a l'Arcahaie les officiers des l'Ouest et des
quartiers voisins. On decida la creation d'un drapeau special pour l'Armee indigene. Aux yeux de la masse ignorante des noirs,
le drapeau tricolore symbolisait l'union des trois classes de la colonie: les noirs libres, les mulatres et les esclaves.
D'un geste vif et legendaire, Dessalines supprima la couleur blanche. Le premier Drapeau Haitien fut donc forme de 2
bandes, rouge et bleu, placees verticalement. Plus tard, Petion devenu President de la secession de l'Ouest y ajouta un trophee
militaire, encadre d'un palmier surmonte du bonnet phrygien. Apres l'independance de 1804, Dessalines et Christophe remplacerent,
tour a tour, le bleu par le noir. Plus tard Petion retablit le bleu et disposa les bandes horizontalement. Francois Duvalier,
en 1964 retablit a nouveau le noir en ramplacant le bleu jusqu'en 1987 ou une nouvelle constitution retablit le bleu, sous
le gouvernement de Henri Namphy. L'ephigie central a survecu tous les changements pendant 200 ans et la voici au coin de ce
texte, attendue passivement le 18 Mai 2003 pour commemorer son bi-centenaire. Gabriel Dorcely @2002. (a suivre)
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Finding the right assistance on U.S. Immigration
matter, Picking the right consulting firm, the right lawyer or a good multi service center can be challenging and
complex. You may have to think twice before you entrust your immigration expectation or your future as a lawful immigrant,
or concerns for an alien relative to anyone. Although any lawyer should be able to assist you, but some lawyers never
got the proper training in law school prior to the 90s. Immigration topic is becoming a new phenomenon and the Immigration
Office (USCIS) admits that a backlog of more than 3 millions cases. Until recently, Law schools did not include immigration
training into their curricula. Every day hundreds of petitions, applications, inquiries are being submitted to USCIS nationwide
and to offices abroad. There is no one month the media has not mention something about immigratnts and illegal aliens. In
elections time, since the last half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st. century, Immigration takes front seat throughout
the election process where naturalized citizens votes are said to be significantly impact the results on national election
Having said so, if you want to petition for an Alien
relative abroad through family ties, it's pretty simple. A good reading of the instructions attached to the form will
put your petition to the right track. Most of the times you need to understand the jargon in the immigration circle and how
the legal process works. In any case, it is better to seek for assistance whenever you have a doubt.
However there
are small details if applied to your petition, you may need to consult with an immigration attorney to handle the process
for you. One example is when your Alien relative is already in the US. definitely, you may want to consult a lawyer for
any innocent violation of the immigration laws that may be part of your case. A lawyer who will go through all the emotions
you have right now and who has the proper training and expertise to guide you case through.
For the least,
You would want someone with experience, with knowledge of the process, and, of course, innovative ideas that reflect
the need of your situation. The immigration process is adaptive.
An applicant must adapt
his situation and harmonize it with the procedure in place. You may want to petition for your family member but it is
also true you want to get the benefits as soon as possible. Perhaps another family member may be classified to receive a visa
available quicker than you. A skillfull lawyer, one who is familiar with the immigrant situation, one who is interested to
the cause of legal immigration, will use his/her experience to weigh your needs by assessing the data load and the relevance
of such data for the success of your application. It is also a good idea to ask questions on the competency of his/her services
in your community. Also make sure you understand his/her billing system. Always ask your lawyer for a copy of your application
and any documentation filed with it, including letters to/from USCIS.
I.F.C.A.C. Immigration Forms Completion Assistance Center
P.O.Box 2542, Ocala, Fl. 34478
Effective July1, 2010, contact Gabriel at
(904) 672-8241 evening (M-F) Noon-7pm
Please leave a message or email me at:
(Updated 05/18/2008)
We assist Petitioners, applicants in completing their forms. We can discuss with you your situation, your
documents but we cannot give you legal advice. If you have broken the law prior to your application. We recommend you to search
for legal advice. You may have other needs. We also translate documents into English language. All documents in a foreign
language must be translated into English and a copy of the tranlation must be attached to your application when you are
ready to mail you application package. For more details, send an email with your questions. or call for a free 15 minutes
(updated 08/11/2010)
We want you to know that we are an experienced non-lawyer service. We prepare forms for our clients
with the information they provided or with the information in the copy of documents they provided.
We make sure your application looks professionally prepared.
We cannot give you legal advice. If you know, either you have a legal issue or your family member,
sponsor, petitioner or beneficiary, have broken the law. We imperatively recommend you to consult with an immigration
lawyer &/or an attorney who practices the field of law that has been broken or violated. It is also a reminder that no
one, absolutely no one, can guaranteed that your application will be approved, not even a lawyer.
Each case is different and examined independently by the Immigration office for adjudication. An adjudicator
may recommend your application to be approved if not you may have other reliefs available. If so, right away, the same day
or the same week you receive an adverse decision, consult with an immigration lawyer who may advise you on the reliefs available
to you.
The Immigration
service itself has a broad range op discretion in handling applications submitted by immigrants from different classification
and coming from different countries. Each, adjudicator at USCIS enjoys also discretionary privileges in making a
decision on your application which, of course, will have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Although the're laws governing the immigration process, you must understand that the legislator cannot foresee the detail
pertaining in each case but define clearly what the immigration need of America is in adjucating applications. We were once
applicant, and we can feel the need for you to complete the process and obtain the relief or the benefit you are seeking. Gabriel
is not a lawyer and cannot provide you legal advice or represent you to Court but he is here to assist each of you
in completing your forms and in the submission of your application. If any issue, he will continue to assist you in seeking
an immigration lawyer with expertise and good record in your type of case. Let us assist you. Ask any questions and we
will find and provide you with the adequate answer for your situation. Good luck.