US Immigration issues
Happy New Year 2012!
WHO ARE WE? (updated on 01/02/12)
My name is Gabriel Dorcely. I am originally an Immigrant, depends who is doing the labeling. I am a full U.S.
citizen by choice because In the U.S. we are proud to run our society on the ground of advanced citizenship, beyond
the original edge of the greek thinkers (demos Kratn). We wish our country to practice what we correctly call "ADVANCED CITIZENSHIP".
We aim for our country to be the most advanced democratic country in the whole world and beyond, at this time, to promote
human rights on this planet and to celebrate freedom under the law, but our goal is that democracy become the standard
of the human race, over all the surface of the planet Earth and beyond if possible and necessary. Although our beloved Thomas
Jefferson was not quite in the realm of prfection, no one is, as we process it in our times, but he helped along
with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and others to shape our idea of a new and free society. Whether or not God created all
men equal (why not men and women f equality was the issue). They did succeed to seed what we long for and as a produtf their
thoughts and their sense of patriotism of the last quartr of the 18th century.
As a result of their bravery and their love for the freedom of the mankind, We, as a free nation saved the
world twice from regressing to tyranny. We helped our former ennemies to sign on the idea of democracy and help them reconstruct
their civil society. How much more can we do in only 235 years.
Look at carefully what immigrants have contributed to do with this place, that piece of real estates. The British,
the French and the native have fought so hard to take control. We even went beyond and have an important seat in the world
affairs at almost all level of he discussion Thanks to the initial Irish, thanks to the passengers of the Mayflower, thank
to the former slaves, thank to the Asian immigrants who at the dawn of 19th helped in the construction of the infrastructure,
thanks to the exiled Cubans who embraced our ideas and transformed the peninsula of Florida into a paradise, quite a
paradise, thanks to the Dutchs who maintain NY, thanks to he Native Americans, such as Shawmut, who welcomed the passengers
of the Mayflower and those who signed the treaties of the reservatons, thanks also to the Jewish children who contributed
to our strength making possible sooner to win the WWII over a belligerant Germany and her allie such as Mussolini and Japan,
thank to the Haitians who fought in Savannah, Georgia despite they were blacks and mercearies, also to the one who build
the first home in Chicago immigrating to North from the Spanish who didn't believe a black man can be so educated to be the
captain of wreck ship in the Atlantic although he was a French citizen born in St-Domingue, Thanks to the slaves of Haiti who
at home won the War against the French and eased te Louisiana transaction rom the Gulf to the Canadian border. in
1800 began the sale offer of the Great Louisiana, and by early 1803, it was a done deal when the Haitans became
the first successful slave revolution of the 19th century, and thanks to all the other children of immigrants who helped us
keep the 1923 doctrine of President Montroe and thank to many more, for it will take a book to detail all of whom we received
contributions to shape our nation as a nation of law, a land of opportunity, and a shelter for those who are tired of oppression,
they shall let go free.
I immigrated to the United states, longtime ago,more than half o my life I've been here, trying the american
goal and fullfil my life for the beeter at my ful potential, to include more importantly the best life a parent can offer
to their children. From the beginning, that was the motive of my decision of leaving my native land, in search of a better
location on earth for my then only baby girl, "My dearest Faby". My plan was to get her and my then wife, first
then I followed them not as I scheduled but to come to the rescue of my wife who gave irth to our only son, Ricky. They both
grew up in the land we call "The spirit of america" our beloved Massachusetts of the New England area. I can't complain, they
are both quite a success. Faby attended one of te most prestigious college for Women in business and the goal to have a dual
undergraound degrees. Ricky, althugh 4 years yonger, on hispart did quit well and attend a state public University. One aspect
of the dream of my life as an immigrant, the year faby supposed to receive her undergrad, ricky was receiving her High
school and I was receiving two undergrad degrees the same year, the same day as ricky in both Nebury College in Brookline,
MA. and few weeks later at U-Mass Boston. I could not be more happier that day, that year which was the last year of the 20th
century. Unfortunatey, their mom and I had to split that year, at my fault and ignorance later on that year. I ould
not realize the wrong I have been doing to my chldren, although young adult at that time. Faby, my only daughter, may
never forgive me for that, because she loves both her parents so much, as she grew up to do. As I recognized subsequently.
Ricky, my only son more compassionate has not reacted the same as her older sister who he admires. Then I wanted to pursue
higher education and for the past ten years I am up and down trying my best to get a J.D. and pass the california
bar. First I have successfully completed a B.S.L in Law at NorthwesternCaliforni University. I am almost halfway from gettng
the JD but my resources are limited and I am not so young. Hopefully, I will hold tough on that dream and complete the
required four years by the california bar and the passing of both the Baby Bar and General bar sometimes in 2013. another
two acaemic years to add. In the mean time, I continue to assists immigrants from anywhere who want to come to U.s.
to share the legendary dream, inprove the quality of their life and at the same token offering their contribution to our communities.
who know the next person or one of my former client's child might be a new phenomena, such asa new Obama, or a new Madeleine
Albright or even a new Albert Einstein to emnton only a few. The dream must go on, because in those times of ours, we people
to meet and miles to walk.
If you read so far, you may have an idea of my idealism in helping immigrant crossing the lake of our democracy
to meet the burden of paperwork in the process of bcoming documented or helping amerian families who want to have their loved
ones to come viisting or stay with tem and our government who want people o be legal but most may not bcause of the barriers
of cultural differences or simply languages. My services are purely clerical, despite of the quality of it. Most of m clients
cannot believe that it is not a lawyering service in the field, but it is not. we make every effort to communicate that
to many, those who welcome our services and those who would love to tag it with a different lavel. Either way, it is a challenge
such at this level we can think of other grand children of former immigrants who rose themselvs to highest seat of our
government and culture, such as Bob Kennedy whom I am paraphrasing to fit this text, in a speech that there are those who
wonder why and others who wonders why not. I grew to fully become an american citizen with advance understanding of our system
of citizenry, despite of the fading of the Nationalism of the 18-20th century as enunciated by the French Philosopher Jean
Jacques Rousseau 1762 and applie by the forefathers of this country such as John Adams, SR. who stood up and defend
the british soldiers for the Boston massacre or such a citizen lawyer as Wendell Philips who wjoined the abolitionist in Boston
and paraded with a fugitive slave, Frederick Douglas, to show ordinary misleaded Americans that they don't
have to fear slaves because they are not only humans but also as smart any person can be. He exhibited Frederick and also
cited a former Haitianslave called Toussaint L'ouverture, who lead the revolution of st-domingue to emancipated the slaves
of the French in that caraibean colony. Wendell Philips called him "The first of all Negoroes". We live very exciting
time when we recognized that our worl is more compacted than our ancestors believe it to be. We are a generation that fllowed
the steps of the Baby boomers, and we know the worls is interconnected and migration of th species is a natural thing, to
include the migration of humans as well. therefore, to maintain whatever we cherished we must recognizze the other aspect
of the immigration by enacting more compassionate policies to invite or recruit immigragrant of great quality and skils to
help us laboring into a better soiety for our children. I do believe in the rational that there is more to gain in living
in an open society as ours but we are so young i our democratic ieas and aspirations that we must recognize that our time
is a transitional time where we need another concept of national borders, not as many argue for a wall along our border with
Mexico. I 've been to Mexico as a student, they are good people full of love and bondage to our concept of family. Yes, an
open border with Mexico must raise concerns, but not to the point to arise a wal similar to the Berlins one which we spent
great del to energy to physically and spiritually destroy. W must remember is we are older than thirty years old when President
Reagan claimed: "President gorbachev let's bring the wall down". Just yesteryear, and that is already a reality. Immigration
at inception existed even if we must believe ourbible verses. The legendary Adam & Eve were exiled from the garden of
Eden and took refuge to the land around, immigrating f you wish to a land the knew not facind all possible hardsip. In a nutshell,
they ere the first human immigrant, refugee if you wish. If weare their descent according to the legend, we must also conclude
that we all are chldren of imigrant sinc we never etrned to Eden. If we want we may postpone that idea and took it to a more
recent America and look in the mirror of time to see who are we if not descent of immigrants who made America what she
is today for te whole wold to envy. Lets wotk seriously in helping of government in helping qualify immigrant to the rule
of law and outside of the ring of abuse. Unlawfully, no. Lawfully becuse we shape the law we can make anything lawful or unlawful
if we must as a society. My job at this time is to help as many immigrants as I can, nt for a profitable motive but to contribute
and pas on the blessing I receive fro Americans. Every time I help an immigrant bring his family around them, I
know I am doing my part as any of our brave men and women who are shpped in foreign land to protect our liberties as
once upon a time, our same society barred women into professional office, but at the dawn of the WWII, we had to test
the quality of theirskills and that was a turning point in our history and in our reach of the political level of superpower. Anway,
for those who don't understand our immigration policies or who are mislead into believint that Immigrats are the problem of
all wrong in America, I would lov you to give me a piece of your rational. You might know something of which I am an igonrant.
As a fellow american. you will share light wih me and on the base of rationality you will allow to question your rational,
if ay need to. I am Gabriel Dorcely.
WHAT THAT MEANS? It means I am not a lawyer. I am not poviding legal advice to
my clients, even if I were a Juris doctor from Harvard, because under our laws only an Attorney-at-Law is licenced to
practice law and provide Legal advice as a service to the general public. Similar to a physician, graduated from a medical
school is not enogh for one graduate to provide medial service to sick atients. A phsician, comonly called a doctor,
must be licenced by proper autoritis before they can lafully provide medical service of their specialty to the general public.
For one who graduate from a law school, the public may think or even call you a lawyer, but you are not if you haven't met
the requirements of the State Bar where you wish to practice. However, if one is graduated from a Law school in a particular
school and pass the Bar of that State, they become an attorney only in that State and upon recognition by the supreme court
of that state and subsequently by U.S. Supreme court, this lawyer may practice Federal law in any other States. By Federal
Law, we mean, Immigration, of course,Taxation. Patents Law, Constitutinal law, Banking laws, and other issues of relevnce
to the Federal law. For Immigrationpurpose, there are other entities, not layers who may be authorized by the Immigration
Board to reprsent applicnt before the Immigration office and in some case in court. Among such entities you might find
the Catholic social Services (CSS), certain charitable non profit organization, etc...
As for my office, I register my business as a sole propietorship DBA I.F.C.A.C. , meaning
Immigration Forms Completion Assistance Center, in a way to the forefront let potential clients and others know that I only
assist in the completion of those complext Immigration forms. I care enough, to offe to all my clients the available service
and forms free of charge if they want to fill their forms by themselves or indicate them the USCIS websites and telephone
number so they can go to th source and figure out whether or not they can file certain forms for their case at hand. My services
are clerical in nature and designed to facilitate and ease the frustration because most of my clients speak little or no English
at all. It also includes a translation service from and into four languages, for foreign documents in addition to my skills
as an interpreter fluent in those four languages.
I am fluent in Haitian because I was born, raised and educated in Haiti from Kindergarten
to College.
I am fluent in French because I was educated, worked in the French language and philosophy
for about three decades.
I am fluent in Spanish because I took Spanish after graduating elementary school for all
my seven years of high school and three years of university and two consecutive academic years of professional school in Mexico
I am fluent in english because I am writing this article with no dictionary and also because
I earned one associate degree in the U.S. three Bachlors degree in the U.S. the last One in Law and mostly because I spent
the second half of my life in the U.S. between Massachusetts and Florida.
Once I was beginner in Italian andlately I flirted with the Russian Language.
Another component to my services, which I used carefully, I served as a Notary Public in
Massachusetts for two terms of 7 years each and I am currently serving in florida as a Notary Public for my second term which
will expire on March 29, 2013.
I can correctly title myself as a Consultant when consider the grouping of the skills
I submit to this service. However, informally, I am only Me. Gaby for some clients, Mr Gabriel for others and Mr. Dorcely
for those who are formal. My goal is not to become richor to rip them off, but to be of service. Many who are need with a
legitimate file but cannot afford anything, I manage to put sometime aside and help them meet with th USCIS with a completed
application. So far there is no complaint on part of USCIS for my perfomance and, no errors ever been found in the form I
completed for my clients since 1986. I am very proud of that. Once, the USCIS and the ICE looked to meet with me and
provide a verygood service for them for free. Another time, as I was visiting my native land, Ive met with some U.S.
troops in need of communication, and they did tank my presence to help them communicate by interpreting for them as I thnak
them back for the sacrifice their family and themselves voluntarily submit themselves to preserve the fredom and the privileges
of a quality life we enjoy in the mainland and the territories.
As far as servicing our communities for their immigration needs, we are straight forward
and are aware of the potential scams, the abuses and the fraudulent practice that immigrant families have to face,
either to challenge or be victimized by the scamers. We denounce those practices and we have invested considerable part
of our professional time to educate, to organize speech, to attend rallies, to donate time in our local and national elections
in search of a better America. We set up broadcast on the internet and on actual purchase time, we read books, we monitor
changes in USCIS regulations, we go to High school classes giving speeches, free of charge, to encourage future
graduates to know the basic of what are required in the proces so they can communicate to their parents who may not know how
to start the process of their legalization under the law., making it easier for the schools, the families, the government
in the process of applications and petitons which otherwise won't be filed until late. I used to bevoluntary to YMCA,
giving re time to train, coach 12-13 years old young socer players and lecture them bout the game around the insdustrialized
world. Once I was surprised to receive an invitation by the University of North florida to a colloque post 2001 designed to
prepareteachers on how to deal with children of undocumented parents in oder to help hem in the transition fo high school
to college and from undocumented to documented.
As I am writing this article, today, the first day of the 2012, I stil meet with undocumented
people who are currently living in this country since 1975-76 and still undocumented, despite of all the changes in regulations
since. They just didn't know that in1979 American children must be 21 at least to petition for their undocumented parents
and siblings, while those american children who are emancipated by law or who are married under that age bracket, can. They
didn't know, that those who were in this country physically and continuously before 1981 could benefi from IRCA of 1986 (Immigration
Reform and control Act of 1986) enacted by congress and signed by the president on November 6, 1986. Some are not aware that
if they can evidence that they have been hysically in this country since 1972, they can obtain their legal status. Others
don't know that they were elgible to benefit from NACARA or HRIFA of the late 90s and even the LIFE ACT of 2000
or even undocumented from certain countries such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Sudan, Honduras, Guatemala, they might
be eligible and even admissible for a temporary Protected Status for 18 Monyhs and renewable would the Government decide to
renew the status of those countries devastated by natural disasters. It's amazing the valuable information available during
those years that could impact positivly the lives of those families but they did benefit what the lawmakers intended
to. The bridge must be larger ad private citizens can still play a role in shaping our nation under our national immigration
policy. Even the Immigration service which job is so compicated, is given away grant money to qualified non-profit organizations
to make it cheaper and easier to pass on the info in their respective communities. Immigration was here since the inception
of ths country to stay, Immigration is here and will survive the odds and Immiration will still be her as long as we are humans
and will help shape our nations through time to come.
Our Experience on US Immigration extend beyond the books since most of our consultants are or were immigrant themselves.
they have first hand experience on this matter and know the wight, the inconvenience an immigrant endures in the process of
obtaining their legal documents. Beside, our top consultant has been helping applicants for more than sixteen years and the
enthusiasm provocated by the mouth to mouth lead him to set up office in order to reduce the affluence that treated to mix
business and his private life. Mr. gabriel on top of his pre law education from Haiti, attended Newbury college in Brookline,
Ma. for his undeergraduate degree as a Paralegal and later has earned another bachelor degree in advocacy in Criminal Justice
at the University of Massachusetts. He is very talented and shows genuine compassion for immigrant families. Now, he is gearing
toward his Juris doctor at the Southern California University for professional Studies. He is a passionate of immigration
matters and watches carefully how Congress respond to several legislative propositions on immigration. at I.F.C.A.C., we use
advanced software for professional immigration offices which make possible to have access to automated control of
our cases. Feel welcome to ask about any aspect of the process. We help american families reunited with theirs loved one and
assist new immigrant to obtain their legal papers when they settle in the land of the free.
For the past several years we have been serving this community with the best consulting services.
We began as a helping hand with assistance to fellow co-workers whose gratitude and a desire to help other share the word
to other family members and friends. It was in 1986, since then applicants from the town we lived came to our home in quantity
that prompt us to rent enough space to handles the paperwork and separte business from family. It was one and two-person firm
and have grown since. by 1991 we joined forces with Frantz Ducheine, Serge Edouard and Fritz felix service the area of boston.Brockton
in Massachusetts. with the changes that occurred in immigration regulation over the years, we extend our services to applicants
beyond our home state. Now we offer our services to applicant in the area of Jacksonville/Orange Park/Green Cove in
Florida. We will be delighted to service your need.
Our firm has enjoyed great success, and we will continue to grow
into the future.
Customer Accolades
"Your firm helped us create our dream business." -John Walker
"Thanks to your firm we were
able to meet our goals." -Mike Fox.
"Thank you I am very pleased to know people like you. Meeting with you is a learning experience I
don't want to miss. I keep your office hung very highly in my heart and my gratitude for the work you did for my
family is endless."Toto of Green Cove Springs, Fl.
"Thanks for everything. In your presence as in you absence, I cannot stop thinking that you may think
that you and your family has moved, for your own needs, here, in Jax, but for me God sent you to provide to my family
and we will pray for you and your family everyday" Rev. Marc Jecroy.
"Many people told me not to file my income tax because I am a self employed, so I will owe money.
I came to your office for help, you told me despite of my debts, I have to file and the benefits are so great. I did not understand.
I trust your analysis and I assembled my documents and you help me filing. for the first year I owe few hundred and you make
arrangement for em to pay it by installments. this year, I was surprised to receive a refund check I never expected. thanks
to your good analysis. and now I do understand, because finalysing my INS paper, the same income tax transcripts are requested
by INS and again thanks to you I had them available. Good Job. R. Exantus
Thank you I.F.C.A.C., I could not have a social security number, I came
to you and now I got one. A.Doivil
WHO ARE WE? (continued) updated on 01/02/12
WHAT THAT MEANS? It means I am not a lawyer. I am not poviding legal advice to my clients,
even if I were a Juris doctor from Harvard, because under our laws only an Attorney-at-Law is licenced to practice law and
provide Legal advice as a service to the general public. Similar to a physician, graduated from a medical school is not enogh
for one graduate to provide medial service to sick atients. A phsician, comonly called a doctor, must be licenced by proper
autoritis before they can lafully provide medical service of their specialty to the general public. For one who graduate from
a law school, the public may think or even call you a lawyer, but you are not if you haven't met the requirements of the State
Bar where you wish to practice. However, if one is graduated from a Law school in a particular school and pass the Bar of
that State, they become an attorney only in that State and upon recognition by the supreme court of that state and subsequently
by U.S. Supreme court, this lawyer may practice Federal law in any other States. By Federal Law, we mean, Immigration, of
course,Taxation. Patents Law, Constitutinal law, Banking laws, and other issues of relevnce to the Federal law. For Immigrationpurpose,
there are other entities, not layers who may be authorized by the Immigration Board to reprsent applicnt before the Immigration
office and in some case in court. Among such entities you might find the Catholic social Services (CSS), certain charitable
non profit organization, etc...
As for my office, I register my business as a sole propietorship DBA I.F.C.A.C. , meaning
Immigration Forms Completion Assistance Center, in a way to the forefront let potential clients and others know that I only
assist in the completion of those complext Immigration forms. I care enough, to offe to all my clients the available service
and forms free of charge if they want to fill their forms by themselves or indicate them the USCIS websites and telephone
number so they can go to th source and figure out whether or not they can file certain forms for their case at hand. My services
are clerical in nature and designed to facilitate and ease the frustration because most of my clients speak little or no English
at all. It also includes a translation service from and into four languages, for foreign documents in addition to my skills
as an interpreter fluent in those four languages.
I am fluent in Haitian because I was born, raised and educated in Haiti from Kindergarten
to College.
I am fluent in French because I was educated, worked in the French language and philosophy
for about three decades.
I am fluent in Spanish because I took Spanish after graduating elementary school for all
my seven years of high school and three years of university and two consecutive academic years of professional school in Mexico
I am fluent in english because I am writing this article with no dictionary and also because
I earned one associate degree in the U.S. three Bachlors degree in the U.S. the last One in Law and mostly because I spent
the second half of my life in the U.S. between Massachusetts and Florida.
Once I was beginner in Italian andlately I flirted with the Russian Language.
Another component to my services, which I used carefully, I served as a Notary Public in
Massachusetts for two terms of 7 years each and I am currently serving in florida as a Notary Public for my second term which
will expire on March 29, 2013.
I can correctly title myself as a Consultant when consider the grouping of the skills I submit
to this service. However, informally, I am only Me. Gaby for some clients, Mr Gabriel for others and Mr. Dorcely for those
who are formal. My goal is not to become richor to rip them off, but to be of service. Many who are need with a legitimate
file but cannot afford anything, I manage to put sometime aside and help them meet with th USCIS with a completed application.
So far there is no complaint on part of USCIS for my perfomance and, no errors ever been found in the form I completed for
my clients since 1986. I am very proud of that. Once, the USCIS and the ICE looked to meet with me and provide a verygood
service for them for free. Another time, as I was visiting my native land, Ive met with some U.S. troops in need of communication,
and they did tank my presence to help them communicate by interpreting for them as I thnak them back for the sacrifice their
family and themselves voluntarily submit themselves to preserve the fredom and the privileges of a quality life we enjoy in
the mainland and the territories.
As far as servicing our communities for their immigration needs, we are straight forward
and are aware of the potential scams, the abuses and the fraudulent practice that immigrant families have to face, either
to challenge or be victimized by the scamers. We denounce those practices and we have invested considerable part of our professional
time to educate, to organize speech, to attend rallies, to donate time in our local and national elections in search of a
better America. We set up broadcast on the internet and on actual purchase time, we read books, we monitor changes in USCIS
regulations, we go to High school classes giving speeches, free of charge, to encourage future graduates to know the basic
of what are required in the proces so they can communicate to their parents who may not know how to start the process of their
legalization under the law., making it easier for the schools, the families, the government in the process of applications
and petitons which otherwise won't be filed until late. I used to bevoluntary to YMCA, giving re time to train, coach 12-13
years old young socer players and lecture them bout the game around the insdustrialized world. Once I was surprised to receive
an invitation by the University of North florida to a colloque post 2001 designed to prepareteachers on how to deal with children
of undocumented parents in oder to help hem in the transition fo high school to college and from undocumented to documented.
As I am writing this article, today, the first day of the 2012, I stil meet with undocumented
people who are currently living in this country since 1975-76 and still undocumented, despite of all the changes in regulations
since. They just didn't know that in1979 American children must be 21 at least to petition for their undocumented parents
and siblings, while those american children who are emancipated by law or who are married under that age bracket, can. They
didn't know, that those who were in this country physically and continuously before 1981 could benefi from IRCA of 1986 (Immigration
Reform and control Act of 1986) enacted by congress and signed by the president on November 6, 1986. Some are not aware that
if they can evidence that they have been hysically in this country since 1972, they can obtain their legal status. Others
don't know that they were elgible to benefit from NACARA or HRIFA of the late 90s and even the LIFE ACT of 2000 or even undocumented
from certain countries such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Sudan, Honduras, Guatemala, they might be eligible and even
admissible for a temporary Protected Status for 18 Monyhs and renewable would the Government decide to renew the status of
those countries devastated by natural disasters. It's amazing the valuable information available during those years that could
impact positivly the lives of those families but they did benefit what the lawmakers intended to. The bridge must be larger
ad private citizens can still play a role in shaping our nation under our national immigration policy. Even the Immigration
service which job is so compicated, is given away grant money to qualified non-profit organizations to make it cheaper and
easier to pass on the info in their respective communities. Immigration was here since the inception of ths country to stay,
Immigration is here and will survive the odds and Immiration will still be her as long as we are humans and will help shape
our nations through time to come.
Our Experience on US Immigration extend beyond the books since most of our consultants are or were immigrant themselves.
they have first hand experience on this matter and know the wight, the inconvenience an immigrant endures in the process of
obtaining their legal documents. Beside, our top consultant has been helping applicants for more than sixteen years and the
enthusiasm provocated by the mouth to mouth lead him to set up office in order to reduce the affluence that treated to mix
business and his private life. Mr. gabriel on top of his pre law education from Haiti, attended Newbury college in Brookline,
Ma. for his undeergraduate degree as a Paralegal and later has earned another bachelor degree in advocacy in Criminal Justice
at the University of Massachusetts. He is very talented and shows genuine compassion for immigrant families. Now, he is gearing
toward his Juris doctor at the Southern California University for professional Studies. He is a passionate of immigration
matters and watches carefully how Congress respond to several legislative propositions on immigration. at I.F.C.A.C., we use
advanced software for professional immigration offices which make possible to have access to automated control of our cases.
Feel welcome to ask about any aspect of the process. We help american families reunited with theirs loved one and assist new
immigrant to obtain their legal papers when they settle in the land of the free.